Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good evening everyone. Britt and I would just like to give everyone a quick update on what has been going on health wise for Britt.

Britt developed pneumonia about two weeks ago and is still fighting that. Her pancreas is slowly starting to function again, although digesting food is still extremely painful. Because of this, she's still on a feeding tube and the doctors are monitoring her nutrient intake closely.

Unfortunately, Britt's kidneys also started to feel the effects and her kidney function has begun to deteriorate. As of yet, the doctors are just monitoring this, but if things do not improve there is a chance she might have to start, hopefully temporary, dialysis.

The last bit of major news concerns her liver. It has been giving the doctors problems for several weeks and the just recently decided upon an exploratory surgery to see if they were missing something. When they started to look, they discovered a tumor. They removed it and sent it off to be biopsied, hoping it was only a cystic tumor, and nothing cancerous. Sadly, the biopsy results were not what they were hoping for. The only piece of good news out of this is the cancer started out as a cystic tumor, and was only present on her liver. It had not spread from, or to, any other part of her body. This also means that by removing it, hopefully the main problem has been solved. We are simply waiting for a few more tests to come back negative.

Britt continues to have a positive attitude, even though she does have her days. She misses Lily and is waiting for the day she can hold her again.

I've been spending almost every day with her, as some family friends help me take care of Lily.

We're still working on figuring everything out, but would like to let you all know how much you are appreciated. Every kind thought means more to us than you know, and every conversation Britt has with you help keep her spirits up. Thank you all, once again, for everything.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sending all my positive thoughts and vibes to Brittany!!!
